Social Media Management


There’s no need to worry about your brand’s social media presence. With Biography at the wheel, you’ll get your profiles optimized, monthly content calendars, & your posts scheduled in advance. That’s just the tip of the iceberg - engage with your audience, respond to inquiries, & network with your local & online community.


Hit the Digital Streets

Don’t just start the conversations, join in on them too! Biography hits the digital streets so your brand is seen throughout your online community. I ensure you’re liking, commenting, & engaging with your audience & others on a regular basis. Every piece of engagement is another opportunity for someone new to see your brand & we won’t miss those opportunities.


How can you know where you’re going with out a plan? Biography helps you develop a plan for your social media so you’re accomplishing your goals- more sales, more website visits, more people ordering drinks, more donations, & on & on. You’ll recieve a content calendar for all your platforms so you know exactly what to expect & the confidence of knowing your brand’s messaging is firing on all cylinders.


Platforms & Posts

What do you post? Where do you even post it? Don’t worry, Biography helps you optimize your platforms & focus on where your audience lives. Then your posts go up at the most optimal times & frequency. The more you post, the more opportunities your brand has to grow.


Social media is all about being…social! Engagement with Biography Social Media goes beyond responding to every comment, message, share, & more - every post, story, ad, & piece of content is designed with an engaging call to action to get your audience involved.


Artisan Content

Stand out in the crowd. With Biography’s graphic design & photography services I ensure that your brand looks unique & stands out from the crowd. Don’t use the same templates as everyone else, catch your audience’s attention with tailored images & copy.